Personal Details

Nationality Canadian

Date of Birth December 23, 1967

Languages English (fluent) Spanish (basic)

Professional Profile

My passion in life is to motivate others to feel their best. Throughout my life I have also written health articles for newspapers, had a blog and traveled the world to unite people through film. My favorite and most powerful influence, I believe, has been teaching fitness in fun and energetic classes of dance aerobics. If it’s fun people will commit. I am always wanting to learn and grow and promote living a good life. For me I feel best when I exercise which leads to healthy eating and lifestyle.


Calle Caritas 2, Torrevieja 03183

+34 603 16 65 87

[email protected]

Key Skills

Zumba Certified

Jazzercise Certified

CPR Certified






Zumba class owner and instructor Los Angeles Restaurant, Torrevieja

January 2024-present

Teach zumba classes and Aqua Zumba classes

Market classes via social media

Zumba Student – Portland Oregon U.S.A.

2014- 2018

Zumba student in multiple locations 5 days a week

Jazzercise Class Owner and Instructor Gold Beach Oregon U.S.A.


Teach and market Jazzercise classes

Manage employees and instructors

Jazzercise Class Owner and Instructor Sacramento California U.S.A.

1990 – 2001

Teach and Market Jazzercise Classes

Two locations with multiple employees